Friday, September 28, 2007

What's with these Men..............

I am totally baffled by the species called MEN ...............

Recently there was this news item about a Pediatrician being raped in her room in the Hospital and then being given IV sedative to try and kill her and they also found marks of strangulation on her neck ...........this poor doctor she is in the ICU in COMA........her only fault I guess was that she is a WOMAN

Another incident that I recently read about, was when the Victory Bus ride after India won the T20 cricket world cup was on. There have been a number of cases of molestation reported (god only knows what the actual figures are) There was this case to do with some college girls where men like they say in Hindi 'Washed their hands in the Running water'in other words they molested these girls in broad daylight with other Men also 'making hay while the sun shone'. Those poor girls are still in a state of shock, they cant believe this could happen to them and that too in the presence of so many people.Sadly those girl's did not realize that they were also MEN..............

I fail to understand Man's obsession with the Female Form .............Whats with them? Why can't they keep their hands to themselves? Why do they always have to wander and be fidgety?
Is this their way of showing their Superiority complex or are they trying to hide their Inferiority complex?
I fail to understand..............could somebody please explain?


Balvinder Balli said...

Chitra ji,
you don't have to be harsh on the men as a species for the actions of a few perverts. And the perverts are there in both the sexes. Men may be killing women for sex but women kill women for many other reasons, dowry being one of them.

Arif Minhal said...

i am not astonished for these incidents ,as i have heard many. you wanted an answer; men are indeed inferior to women i have got reasons ..............but unfortunately not enough space here.i"ll get back to you on your email

Arif Minhal said...

hi chitra,
god has made women powerful in all respect,they give birth to u and me,they are the basis of our family life as a man can buy and build a house but only a woman has that sensibility to convert it into a home. now we have seen that a woman can multi-tasklike going to work, coming back from work she can cook for the whole family,then she teaches her child,and even socialise,...continued

Arif Minhal said...

and yes does her bazar,too,i tell u these are traits of a super human beings and i think we men should learn from more i wanna tell you,that man"s sexuality is weak basically its they who get aroused in seconds whereas a woman takes time,they need an atmosphere,that mood,thus this way also a woman is made superior . bye .............